Monday 2 November 2009

tinchy <3

is time i told you all about my love for tinchy(as in strider). He is about 4 inches tall, and is the result of a very drunken night with my prtner in crime dl. Lol it all started off when she declared her love for dappy from ndubzs, and i laughed.a lot. i made a sock monkey for her as a moving away present, and we named him dappy-of course was a striking resemblence, goes without saying:p

so one night, there we were, 2 bottles of wine later(both under £3, so you can imagine what they tasted like) and we had the sudden bright idea to make a sock owl, as you do, when your horrifically pissed. Now i use the term owl as a very loose description, as in actual fact looks a lot more like a penguin:p

incidently-pete, im sure you will never read this, but yes, we did turn your missing black socks in to Tinchy!!

As i recall, we went out shortly after(slightly pontless was about 10 minutes before evrywhere kicked out for the night)and when i got back, literally crawled into bed, and woke up to find tinchy next to my head.
i am now very attatched, in manor of 5 year old with security blanket!

so no laughing at tinchy!!he rocks!

and yes, i do appreciate its slightly random to get drunk and then start sewing, but you had to be there!



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